Conquering Fear with Trust: Embracing God’s Goodness in Times of Trial

What is the one thing we hear over and over?  Why would God allow this to happen?

Many of us have a tendency when something tragic, difficult, or threatening happens to go right to a place of fear.  The place we don’t want to go because this is where Satan is getting just what he wants.  

I have to decide when my mind starts spiraling out of control to that place of fear to remind myself of God’s truths and not let fear overtake my life and steal my joy.  

These are the truths I remind myself of:

1.  God is good.
2.  God is good to me.  
3.  God is good at being God.  My husband and children do not make good Gods.  There’s only one God and He is the one who I call my Heavenly Father.  

When looking at my circumstances, I need to begin with the statements above.  It’s not always easy, but it is possible.  These truths help me to realize that God is working all things out for my good in the circumstances in which I find myself even when I don’t see anything changing and don’t feel anything changing.  He is busy at work all for my good.  

These truths bring me right back to the goodness of God as the place where I need to continue with my trust in Him.  

If you read about Elijah you will find him to be at times filled with the trust of God and then suddenly he finds himself at the same place most of us do.  In fear.  Having unrealistic expectations.  So you see even those who have a strong faith in God can sometimes find themselves at that place of fear forgetting what an awesome, good, and loving God we serve.

1 Comment

E.L. Hairston - August 10th, 2024 at 7:52am

Thank you for the beautiful reminder of God's goodness and never failing mercies. Great is His faithfulness towards us!






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