Continue Acts Of Service

This article was originally published in the Franklin News-Post.

We are routinely reminded as we start a new year, it is a time of new beginnings.  We have just experienced another holiday season – a time of thanksgiving, recognition of the birth of Jesus, and a fresh start with a new year.  For many it has been a time of celebration and an opportunity to serve others.  I want to encourage each person to harness the energy, spirit, and sense of good will that you have just experienced to impact lives in the year ahead.
Many of the people who were beneficiaries of the generosities shared this holiday season find themselves in the same state of need as the new year begins.

In Matthew 25:36, we, as Christians, are reminded to feed the hungry; give the thirsty something to drink; befriend a stranger and invite him in; clothe someone; look after the sick; and visit those imprisoned.  Other scripture states: “Pure religion and undefiled before God and the Father is this, to visit the fatherless and widows in their affliction, and to keep himself unspotted from the world.” James 1:27 (KJV)

We are to continuously be looking after our fellow man.  For we are told, what we have done to the least of these, we have done unto our King.
You may be among the many Christians that engage in such behaviors on a routine basis. Thank you.  I want to encourage you to continue in your service of others.  Such service is needed.

You may be reading this and thinking, I just don’t have the time. Or, I don’t even know how to get started down such a path.  Maybe you are thinking, I have reached out before to help and no one showed a shred of appreciation for my efforts.  You may reflect upon your past efforts and feel as though you were taken advantage.

I have thought about my actions and wondered about the impact.  I have been reminded on multiple occasions, “When you are walking in obedience to God’s will, don’t worry about the outcome.”  I am reminded to walk in faith, act in obedience, and the outcome will take care of itself – even if the result isn’t what I think it should be.

Sometimes the recipient of the gesture doesn’t appreciate what is being offered. Maybe in those situations, someone else is quietly observing the action and is moved to do something for someone else.

We should endeavor to give the best of ourselves in all situations. And we can start with people that are identified in the scriptures included above.  And, as we extend of ourselves in such circumstances; when God witnesses evidence of our desire to serve others – of our obedience to His will, additional opportunities to bless others will unfold in front of us.  I have experienced this firsthand.  I have experienced it in ways and at levels I could have never imagined.  Obedience is better than sacrifice.  Obedience brings blessings.

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