Embracing Brokenness: Finding Strength and Grace in Surrender to God

Brokenness is the process God uses to strip us of our pride and make us feel we can do it all alone without Him.  He desires for the character of Jesus to shine through us.  Brokenness doesn't necessarily mean that we must experience a tragedy.  Many people go through a tragedy yet do not draw closer to God.  Brokenness isn't so much your circumstance,  but how you choose to respond to it.  What is God trying to teach you?  God places us at a point where we have no strength left to fix this on our own.

When God blocks every exit you think you have and you come to see that He alone is the answer, you can now make a life-changing discovery.  This is when God is all you have.  God is all you need.  God’s power is reserved for those who have given up trying to fix things and do them on their own.  

We need to sacrifice.  That means to let it die on the altar.  If you desire a new level of God’s grace and power in your life, you have to die to self-interest, ego, and independence.  

If you’re in the breaking process, you have three options: 1. Run.  2. Resist.  3.  Respond to God saying, “ Yes, God.”

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