Let Your Faith Shine

This article was originally published in the Franklin News-Post.

I count it a privilege to be able to write this shared column for The Franklin News-Post.  Who knew when I wrote on the topic of priorities two weeks ago just how timely that would be?  Much has happened in our world since that column appeared.  It has been fascinating to see just what the priorities are for some of us.

Certainly there are many unknowns.  But for those that believe, we have our faith in a living God on whom our hope rests.  Masses of people are looking to their church pastors – and rightfully so.  God has placed these leaders in positions for times such as this.  I believe many non-believers are looking to see how the body of believers is responding to today’s crisis.  It is a great opportunity for the faithful to take a breath, stand on the Word of God, and allow His light to shine through us.  This is not the time to wrestle over the last item on a store shelf.

I have witnessed many church communities begin to adapt to the current circumstance.  How can technology be leveraged to continue to minister?  For many, Facebook Live has become but one tool; while others are looking to host drive-in style services at their church.  Yet others are increasing the frequency of their offerings.  All of this is being done in an effort to keep the body of believers connected.

In our ministry, My Brothers’ Crossing, we are also challenged.  We don’t have a church body, per se.  Much of our ministry has been to serve as a guest speaker or to fill-in for a local preacher.  Not much opportunity along those lines these days.  From an outreach perspective, the people to whom we have most frequently ministered have been the infirmed and those incarcerated.  The doors for such opportunities have been all but closed – and for good reason.  Our efforts have shifted to an old-fashioned approach of putting pen to paper.

I want to use this week’s column to encourage you.  Now, more than ever, it is important that the body of Christ be evidence of His hope, love, and strength.  If we will be bold in our faith, the impact we might have on His Kingdom could be immeasurable.  Write a letter of encouragement to someone.  Call a friend and speak words of life and love into their life.  Give to an organization that is working to meet the needs of someone.  Check in on your neighbor.  Use your social media platform to lift others.  Avoid feeding into the negativity of the situation.  If you read a post where someone is discouraged, consider how you might share hope.

In the natural realm, these are fearful times.  But for those of us who choose to walk in faith, what an opportunity we have.  Use this time to reset and ground yourself in whom you believe.  Communicate with God.  Spend time studying His word.  Reflect upon what you are studying.  Ask questions of those that you know to be strong teachers within your church family.  Reach out to someone who does not yet have a relationship with Jesus Christ.

In Matthew 9:37-38 (NLT) we read: He (Jesus) said to his disciples, “The harvest is great, but the workers are few.  So pray to the Lord who is in charge of the harvest; ask him to send more workers into his fields.”

As a disciple of Christ, are you ready to begin work or continue working in the harvest field?  Are you willing to set aside your angst and fear to do the will of the Father?  Pray for guidance.  Pray for strength.  Pray for discernment.  Allow Him to use you with just one person within your sphere of influence.  Who will be eternally impacted because of your willingness to do His will at this time?

I pray God’s blessings over each person.  I encourage you to share an idea or a way that is working to keep you connected.  Let others know how you are meeting the needs of another.  Not to be boastful.  No.  But to give someone else an idea as to what they can do.  To be hope.  To be love.

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