God's Protection

Late yesterday afternoon, as I exited my vehicle from the end of a day that JT and I had the opportunity to spend with all three grandchildren and their parents, I was getting our 10-month-old granddaughter, who was in her car seat, out of the vehicle.  She was safely secured into her car seat, and as I grabbed it to carry her into the house, my foot stepped onto the edge of our driveway and slid off into a hole that our 10-month-old pup had dug out, causing a piece of the asphalt to break away.  I lost my balance, as I was on a steep downhill slope with my foot in a deep hole on the side io of the hill, and went head over heels down the hill with the baby in her car seat.  It was nothing But, God that I somehow during the tumble lifted the car seat over my head to be sure that baby Byrdie’s face didn't hit the ground.  

Praise God that Byrdie was fine, and once her parents got her out of her car seat she was happy and smiling.  Unfortunately, I didn't fair as well.  I banged my body up in a big way.  Once the adrenaline from the scare wore off the pain set in, and I quickly realized that I had a mild concussion, and had some major irritation to my back and neck that are already in bad shape from being hit by the drunk driver 38 years ago.  As I settled into bed with ice packs and heating pads, the other areas of pain began to show themselves.  Although I have been in a lot of pain since yesterday afternoon, I know this could have been so much worse.  Byrdie could have been seriously injured, I could have fractured my wrist, arm, ankle, or hip in this fall.  But, God.  He was around us protecting us from injuries that could have been so much worse.

Dear Lord, I want to live in the shadow of Your wing. When life is hard, and I don’t know what to do, help me remember that You are with me and that I am never alone. I cannot live without You. I cannot face tomorrow without the promise of Your presence. Today I choose to walk and live under the protection of You, The Most High. In Jesus' name. Amen.

God is our refuge and strength, a very present help in trouble.  Psalm 46:10

Thank you so much, JT for taking care of me to be sure I’ve had ice packs, and whatever I needed.  I love you and appreciate how you’re loving me and caring for me.

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