How Do You View Yourself?

How do you view yourself?  Is it through how others see you or what they say about you?  Or is how you view yourself by how God sees and loves you?

I have struggled for the majority of my life with my self-esteem.  I would talk negativity into my own life.  I knew better.  I went to church.  I read my Bible.  Yet, I judged myself based on how others saw me or maybe even by something someone said about me.  Satan has a way of knowing where to hit us and exactly where those low points are for each of us.  

Remember that each person you meet may not like your bubbly personality.  They may find it annoying.  Maybe they met you when you were struggling with something personal, and your typical bubbly, happy, beautiful smile isn’t what they saw on that day.  They were seeing a person going through something they knew nothing about.  If that same person were to meet you a week later, they may find that they think the world of you.  But that’s not the you who they met.  

I spent many years looking in the mirror and saying, "I don’t recognize the woman looking back at me.”  That’s because I didn’t see myself as God sees me.  He sees me as His perfect, beautiful child, formed in His image.  That is the truth, and it’s the truth that we need to speak into our lives and those around us.  Even if they look and act like everything is going great, we still need to speak life, love, and truth into them.  They need to know that they are a beautiful child of God.  They are valued.  They are worthy.  They are enough.  And above all, they are loved.

I'm always here for anyone who needs someone to talk to or listen to.  If you're a male, then I will refer you to my husband, JT Clark, to talk with.  That’s why we call our ministry a “ Ministry of the One for the one”; sometimes, it means being a “ Ministry of Presence” just being there to listen.  It can make a much larger impact than you realize.  

May God Bless and Keep Each of You.

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