Choosing Forgiveness: Overcoming Evil with Good

Isn’t forgiveness more satisfying than revenge?  When I make the decision to seek revenge against someone, I am actually paying twice the price for the hurt that was caused.  It may seem as if it will make me feel better in the short term, but in the long term it will cost me more emotionally and spiritually than what I would ever want to pay.

Our decision to forgive doesn’t let the other person off the hook   What it does is place them into the hands of God   As you go through the forgiveness process, it will soften your heart   The peace you will receive from forgiveness is so much better than what you will get when going for revenge.

People do have a choice to sin against us or not   Many times the person who has hurt us may have willingly played into the enemy’s plan   I try to remind myself that the person hurting me isn’t the real enemy.  Satan is very real and is on an all-out assault against everything that is good.  Satan works especially hard and with great intentionality against anything that brings honor and glory to God.

In order to have peace we need to make peace with things that are unchangeable and move forward In the beauty of forgiveness.  The God we serve Is not a God who does nothing and we need to trust Him with everything we face on this side of eternity  

I challenge each of us today to trust God with all of the hurts and disappointments we have felt.  Choose forgiveness and not revenge   Choose to take the high road and put It In the hands of God.  When we choose forgiveness we will feel a weight lifted from us and a closesness In our relationship with Jesus Christ.

Overcome evil with good.
Romans 12:21

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