Know Who You Are In The Eyes Of God

Sometimes in your life, others around you will make you feel as if what you add to a conversation doesn't sound intelligent or what you said didn't need to be told.

Your self-esteem can be broken down, you can become broken spiritually, and you will question your self-worth and value in every situation you find yourself.

Remember that your self-worth and value are found in knowing that you are a child of God and you are enough, have worth, value, and are loved more than you can imagine.  

Don't let satan or others steal your joy. God sent His only begotten Son to the cross so that we could each have forgiveness, be reconciled to the Father, and live in the fullness of life that Jesus has made available to us.  

Continue to trust what God says about you.  Live in His truths and not the lies of others, even if the other person doesn't realize what they've done to you. People are often oblivious to the things they say and do to others. They never considered the harm that might be caused and may not have realized what they did or said hurt you.

Believe the truth in God’s Word.  This is where we find our instructions for how to raise our children, to be the best spouse we can be, and how to live our life every day glorifying God.

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