Total Move Of God

This past Monday, I was at Green Rock Correctional Center to preach the Service to the Pentecostal Church.  When I finished preaching, I did an Altar call and told the mem that today is the day of Salvation.  I said, “ If it is on your heart to accept your Salvation, don't wait until it's too late.”  A man raised his hand and said “I want my Salvation,”  I asked him to come forward so I could pray a prayer of Salvation.  I asked the other men in attendance if they would like to come forward.  Afterward, he said to me, “ I have a daughter who is at the Hope Center in Wytheville.  I've caused her so much pain and heartache.  I want to make it right because I carried the guilt of this with me for so long.”  I told him to lay it on the cross and give it to God.  He doesn't want us to carry these heavy burdens.  He has shoulders that are big enough for all of the world's problems.  

I told him, “ You won't believe this, but I am a volunteer counselor at the Hope Center in Wytheville and will be there this Thursday.”  He asked if I would meet with his daughter to tell her that he has accepted a relationship with Jesus Christ and wants to reconcile their relationship.  

I told him that I would arrange to meet with her today.  When I met with her today, I told her what had transpired at the end of the service with her father.  I told her that he had accepted responsibility for the hurt and pain he had caused her and wanted to reconcile their relationship.  

With tears in her eyes, she hugged me and told me how happy this made her and she didn't want him to carry this burden any longer.  I told her he needed to lay it at the cross and ask for her forgiveness.   His acceptance of a relationship with Jesus Christ would be a starting place for them to reconcile their relationship.  It all began with a repentant heart, seeking salvation and his daughter's forgiveness.  

Praise God for restoring relationships when we put our hope, trust, and faith in Jesus.  He already paid the price for each of us who will call Him our Lord and Savior.

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