Reconciliation And Restoration Are Possible If We Pray And Put It In God’s Hands
I wish that in every relationship I've ever had in my life, every family member, every friendship, and every person I've ever met, we can move past our differences and that things that have been done and said can be forgiven. We can live in peace and reconcile what's been broken. It seems that those closest to us, especially in our family, are the ones who hurt us the most, whether intentionally or not. Some have no idea of the hurt and pain they've caused and then there are others who are very much aware of what they've done or haven't done and just don't care.
We need to remember that Jesus made forgiveness available to each of us. Our God is one of reconciliation and restoration. He hears our prayers and knows the hurt we are experiencing. Give it to Him. His shoulders are large enough to take our hurt and pain.
What I've found over the years is that God sometimes places people, even family members, in our lives for a season. I know you're wondering why I would say that “Family Members” may be placed in our lives for a season. I believe that this is because some people become toxic to us, not only in our emotional and physical life but in our spiritual life. Maybe it's because they won't own their part of a disagreement or a hurt that was caused. When two people have something between them, it's never just one person’s fault. We both own some part of the disagreement or whatever it is that's keeping us from enjoying what has been made available to us.
Hurt caused by those closest to us feels like the ultimate betrayal, and the hurt runs deep and can be very hard to move past. Remember what I began by saying
“Our God is one of restoration and reconciliation.” I've watched God move through family differences, broken marriages. and broken friendships, bringing them back together so they may walk together in harmony.
Please don't continue to carry the hurt feelings because the other person is unwilling to hear your side of what's happened or won't own up to their part. Put this in the hands of God. Lay it at the cross, and in God’s perfect timing, you will have your answer as to whether you continue to fight for this relationship/friendship or let it go and let God.
If we are living as followers of Christ, then we should want to live peaceably with everyone and be willing to overlook things that, in the grand scheme of life, are not worth losing a relationship with a family member or friend.
Jesus wants us to live in harmony with everyone. Unfortunately, everyone isn't aware that we must humble ourselves and extend forgiveness so restoration and reconciliation can begin. Please don't wait until it's too late and then live with regret.
Jesus desires for us to walk in the fullness of life that He has made available to each of us who will call Him our Lord and Savior.
He didn't go to the cross to feel better about himself. He went so we can have the forgiveness He made available and be reconciled to the Father.
May you have enough trust in God to put your hurt, differences and broken relationships/friendships in His hands to allow Him to do what He does best. Let the healing begin at the cross.
We need to remember that Jesus made forgiveness available to each of us. Our God is one of reconciliation and restoration. He hears our prayers and knows the hurt we are experiencing. Give it to Him. His shoulders are large enough to take our hurt and pain.
What I've found over the years is that God sometimes places people, even family members, in our lives for a season. I know you're wondering why I would say that “Family Members” may be placed in our lives for a season. I believe that this is because some people become toxic to us, not only in our emotional and physical life but in our spiritual life. Maybe it's because they won't own their part of a disagreement or a hurt that was caused. When two people have something between them, it's never just one person’s fault. We both own some part of the disagreement or whatever it is that's keeping us from enjoying what has been made available to us.
Hurt caused by those closest to us feels like the ultimate betrayal, and the hurt runs deep and can be very hard to move past. Remember what I began by saying
“Our God is one of restoration and reconciliation.” I've watched God move through family differences, broken marriages. and broken friendships, bringing them back together so they may walk together in harmony.
Please don't continue to carry the hurt feelings because the other person is unwilling to hear your side of what's happened or won't own up to their part. Put this in the hands of God. Lay it at the cross, and in God’s perfect timing, you will have your answer as to whether you continue to fight for this relationship/friendship or let it go and let God.
If we are living as followers of Christ, then we should want to live peaceably with everyone and be willing to overlook things that, in the grand scheme of life, are not worth losing a relationship with a family member or friend.
Jesus wants us to live in harmony with everyone. Unfortunately, everyone isn't aware that we must humble ourselves and extend forgiveness so restoration and reconciliation can begin. Please don't wait until it's too late and then live with regret.
Jesus desires for us to walk in the fullness of life that He has made available to each of us who will call Him our Lord and Savior.
He didn't go to the cross to feel better about himself. He went so we can have the forgiveness He made available and be reconciled to the Father.
May you have enough trust in God to put your hurt, differences and broken relationships/friendships in His hands to allow Him to do what He does best. Let the healing begin at the cross.
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Amen restore Sarah & Steve