Drawing Near: Finding God's Presence and Peace in Times of Pain

We can know things to be confirmed with our heads, but when we are hurting, and our hearts hurt, as life gets tough, we need reminders that God is present, protects us, and never leaves us.  And even more, God has promised to help us through these times.  

Satan loves to use these times when we feel despair to attack us.  We need to have a way to draw near to God and fight off the fear and lies that are attacking us.  The best way to draw near to God is to remind myself that He is here with me.  All I need to do is to call upon His name.  Come to Him in prayer and praise.  Know that the God of all peace and comfort is beside you.  

I must let God’s Word and His truth become my daily declaration.  I will declare God’s truth and will lift my heart in prayer so that I will draw evermore closer to God.  

“ Come near to God, and He will come near to you.”  James 4:8
Right there in James 4:8, His Word tells us if we come near to God, He will come near to us.  It is a blessing to know that His Word is His promise to us and tells us precisely what we must do in any given situation.

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