Stress Is A Part Of Everyday Life

How we choose to deal with stress matters and affects our relationships.  
If we are Christians, the Holy Spirit dwells within us.  If the Holy Spirit dwells within us, then we also have the Fruits of the Spirit within us.

Now, what do we do with the irritability we feel, the snapping at those around us and those closest to us?  What we do is harness one of those gifts of the Fruits of the Spirit, which is Self-Control. We put it into action before we cause hurt and find ourselves having to go back and apologize for how we reacted to something and that one thing that pushed us over the edge while we were dealing with the stress that's more than just the everyday stress we each have.  If you don't have any daily or weekly stress, please praise God for sparing you from the stress of your everyday life.  

Sometimes, stress comes from a one-time situation and other times; it comes from a decision or several decisions we have made that, at the moment, seem like a good and reasonable thing to do.  To only find out that you made an internal impact and you can’t forgive yourself.  The stress that comes from these decisions when you know that had you not made that decision, things wouldn’t be how they are now.  It can’t be blamed on someone else because you know you made the decision. Now, you live with the fallout of that decision and try to find a way forward to make things right for those affected.  

We now have to go back to what I posted a few days ago: forgiving yourself is one of the hardest things to do.  

We need to remind ourselves that Jesus has made forgiveness available to each of us.  God extends grace to us every day, and He extends grace several times a day.  We must do the same, give ourselves grace, and forgive ourselves.  

Hang on to your faith because we serve a God who loves us deeply and wants the best for us.  If you lean into Him and His Word, you will be given the strength to get through the stress in your lives because better days are ahead.  It’s all in God’s perfect timing.  He’s teaching us something about what we are going through.  I believe He teaches us to trust Him and will work it out for our good.

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