God Is Always Good Even During The Most Difficult Times In Life

In 2020, COVID-19 not only made it’s way across the world at record speed, but it also spread across what were our daily realities.  What we were hearing and seeing happen in the news just didn’t seem possible.  

Because we were dealing with a virus that was potentially life-threatening, social distancing was necessary and cancelling gatherings as well.  

It seemed as though life slammed on the brakes and left us with whiplash.  But, it left me with many emotions to process.  Our movie “ My Brothers’ Crossing” was set to go into theaters and just three weeks prior to our release date, everything shutdown and we were told to only leave our homes if necessary for a period of three months.  

The questions in my mind continued to plague me, as we had invested everything we had not only for now, but for our future.  Would our movie ever be released I wondered.

Our movie did finally release.  But no one was coming out to see our movie,  let alone any movie.  We were originally to go to 900-1200 theaters across the United States.  In September of 2020, our movie made its way to just seventy five theaters.  We know that even though it only went to seventy five theaters, it had an impact on those who saw it.  

One of the emotions I was feeling was one of disappointment.  These feelings were very real.  Processing our disappointments is not only necessary, it’s also okay.  It is emotionally and spiritually necessary for us to take the time to process these emotions we are feeling.  

As Christian’s how do we set our minds and hearts on things above when we are staring at startling realities?  

It’s very emotional when what we’ve dreamed of and planned and invested in what we thought was a very normal expectation and then see our hope suddenly taken away.  

During this time and always we need to remember these truths:

  •  Being good to others is not cancelled.

  •  Learning, growing, and maturing have not been cancelled.

  •  The need to grieve, and to get counseling, has not been cancelled.  

  •   Fun has not been cancelled.

  •   Above all, love has not been cancelled.  

Even though we were going through COVID-19, it did not change God.  He is the same God yesterday, today, and tomorrow.  It did not change His love and care  for us.

God used this to grow us, to mature us, and make us ever more prepared for a good future.

The disappointment may be a delay, it may also be a distraction, and even a devastation for a season.  Remember that this is not your final destination.  God’s goodness has not been cancelled.  Rest in that and be reassured.  

When you remember who God is, use that to bring yourself some perspective into the disappointment in your life.  

Remember that God is our protector from things we cannot even see.  God is our provider.  Just look for what He is providing.  Just because His provision for you is different doesn’t mean it’s not good.  
God is also faithful.  It doesn’t matter what disappointment is taking from you right now, place it in the hands of our loving God.  

Let the peace of Christ rule on your hearts, since as members of one body you were called to peace.  
Colossians 3:15

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