Finding Peace Amidst the Storm: Paul's Lessons from Romans

When we talk about peace and what it means to live in peace we can look at the writings of Paul to the Romans.

Paul didn’t write the book of Romans while he was on a peaceful vacation with people who were peaceful.  He wrote this instruction in the midst of people opposing him and situations that were filled with hardship.  

One of the reasons Paul wrote his letter to the Romans is because it would not have been easy for them to have peace.   I’m sure it would have felt quite unnatural for them, as it would for us to have peace in the midst of constant hardships, never-ending opposition, and relational differences.

I can relate to this, as it seems I wake up each day with a new set of issues.  Some days these issues aren’t big, heartbreaking , life changing events that are eroding my peace.  It might be an ongoing frustration with a disappointment, or a misunderstanding with someone I thought I could trust.   Conflicts seem to never end.  

Paul was reminding all who would read these verses that peace is possible.  

This morning I just happened to be reading John 14:27 when it came to me to write this post.

In John 14:27, Jesus said “  Peace I leave with you; my peace I give you. I do not give to you as the world gives. Do not let your hearts be troubled and do not be afraid.

The peace that Jesus is referring to here is “ to keep or maintain peace.”  Peace is this beautiful gift from God to believers, and that gift is the evidence to the world that we are different because of our relationship with Jesus Christ.  The relationship we have with Jesus makes this peace possible.  

To live peaceably with all seems like a ridiculously impossible task.  But yet when the impossible becomes reality because of Jesus in us, there’s no greater testimony that we can share.  

To bring the Prince of Peace into a situation is so very powerful.  Just saying aloud the name of Jesus there is peace.  

Paul didn't say “ As far as it depends on other people bringing peace.”   He didn't say “ as long as the conflict ends in a peaceful way.”  No, he said “ So far as it depends on you.”

Peace is the evidence of a life of forgiveness.  Living in the comfort of peace is so much better than living in the constraints of unforgiveness.  

Working through forgiveness leaves room for God to work on me, on the one whom I need to forgive.  I spend time seeking God’s face, knowing the goodness of God, and living in the presence of God everyday. In that, I see the beauty of God.

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