Dreaming Forward: The Healing Power of Forgiveness in Times of Grief
by Terri-Lee Clark on May 25th, 2024
It’s times when you think better days are ahead, you may find yourself saying things like, “ one day I will own a coffee shop, I’ll become a physician, I’ll take my grandchildren traveling.  When you find yourself grieving over something that was lost or taken away, you wish you could go back in time.  You dream backwards.  Grieving is nothing more than dreaming in reverse that we can somehow chan...  Read More
Finding Peace Amidst the Storm: Paul's Lessons from Romans
by Terri-Lee Clark on May 24th, 2024
When we talk about peace and what it means to live in peace we can look at the writings of Paul to the Romans.Paul didn’t write the book of Romans while he was on a peaceful vacation with people who were peaceful.  He wrote this instruction in the midst of people opposing him and situations that were filled with hardship.  One of the reasons Paul wrote his letter to the Romans is because it would ...  Read More
Know Who You Are In The Eyes Of God
by Terri-Lee Clark on May 23rd, 2024
Sometimes in your life, others around you will make you feel as if what you add to a conversation doesn't sound intelligent or what you said didn't need to be told.Your self-esteem can be broken down, you can become broken spiritually, and you will question your self-worth and value in every situation you find yourself.Remember that your self-worth and value are found in knowing that you are a chi...  Read More
Stress Is A Part Of Everyday Life
by Terri-Lee Clark on May 22nd, 2024
How we choose to deal with stress matters and affects our relationships.  If we are Christians, the Holy Spirit dwells within us.  If the Holy Spirit dwells within us, then we also have the Fruits of the Spirit within us.Now, what do we do with the irritability we feel, the snapping at those around us and those closest to us?  What we do is harness one of those gifts of the Fruits of the Spirit, w...  Read More
How Do You View Yourself?
by Terri-Lee Clark on May 21st, 2024
How do you view yourself?  Is it through how others see you or what they say about you?  Or is how you view yourself by how God sees and loves you?I have struggled for the majority of my life with my self-esteem.  I would talk negativity into my own life.  I knew better.  I went to church.  I read my Bible.  Yet, I judged myself based on how others saw me or maybe even by something someone said ab...  Read More
Reconciliation And Restoration Are Possible If We Pray And Put It In God’s Hands
by Terri-Lee Clark on May 16th, 2024
I  wish that in every relationship I've ever had in my life, every family member, every friendship, and every person I've ever met, we can move past our differences and that things that have been done and said can be forgiven. We can live in peace and reconcile what's been broken.  It seems that those closest to us, especially in our family, are the ones who hurt us the most, whether intentionally...  Read More
Forgiving Yourself May Be One Of The Most Difficult Things You Have To Do
by Terri-Lee Clark on May 16th, 2024
 I pray that you take the time to read this long post, as it may bless you or someone you know, as well as saving them the pain that unforgiveness brings.  If you have been following our ministry “ My Brothers' Crossing,” then there's a chance you may have read our book “ In the Blink of an Eye: Forgiveness in Black and White.”  I wrote chapter 16 in our book, entitled “ JT wasn't always this way....  Read More
Let The Little Children Come
by JT Clark on May 1st, 2024
On Sunday, April 28, I was invited to speak at Grace Assembly of God in Catawba, VA.  At the opening of the service, the worship leader was leading the congregation in a couple of selections, and he introduced the second song by saying, "You know one of our challenges is that we struggle for lack." He was encouraging those in the congregation to simply take their lack and lay it at the cross.  He ...  Read More
It All Started Over A Box of Christmas Decorations
by JT Clark on April 15th, 2024
I gave a bit of detail as I chronicled the travels of this past weekend. As I was driving north the length of the state of Alabama, I reflected as to the catalyst for how all this came together. It was absolutely a BUT, GOD experience that started because of a box of Christmas decorations.On December 5, 2023 a man invited me to breakfast. One of his first questions was, “What is going to be under ...  Read More
Solitude Vs Isolation
by JT Clark on April 14th, 2024
This article was originally published in the Franklin News-Post.As our bible study teacher at House of Purpose recently taught, sometimes we need to experience some solitude – some me time. Think of it as an opportunity to separate ourselves from all things and connect and commune with the Father.  Solitude can be a very good and healthy thing for us spiritually, emotionally, and physically. Jesus...  Read More
Ten Simple Blessings Behind Bars
by JT Clark on April 14th, 2024
This article was originally published in the Franklin News-Post.Part of what we do through our ministry, My Brothers’ Crossing, is a jail and prison ministry.  We connect with people who are incarcerated at the local, regional or state level.  For the next two columns I submit, I’ll share a writing that I received from one of these men.  His name is Randy.  This week, I’m sharing the first four of...  Read More
Continue Acts Of Service
by JT Clark on April 14th, 2024
This article was originally published in the Franklin News-Post.We are routinely reminded as we start a new year, it is a time of new beginnings.  We have just experienced another holiday season – a time of thanksgiving, recognition of the birth of Jesus, and a fresh start with a new year.  For many it has been a time of celebration and an opportunity to serve others.  I want to encourage each per...  Read More